Saturday, April 24, 2010

Let's just ball it up and throw it out the window...

almost everyone i speak to has a definite, concrete view of their future. on the contrary, my view is as wronger as my grammar. i don't know exactly what i would do with the degree that i'm pursuing in journalism and digital arts. if it were up to me, i'd shoot to the magazines and start taking over their concepts. in particular, it would be spin or rolling stone. perhaps elle, too. and tiger beat!... NOT.

i'm just floating through college as of now. taking all my unnecessarily required classes that are supposedly insightful. but i've learned nothing except how to skim to keep my readin' slim. maybe i should become a rap star!

as of may 7, i've hit the halfway mark and i'm almost on my way out! the pursuit of knowledge is priceless. but the pursuit of a college degree is MAD EXPENSIVE. maybe i should write greeting cards!

my fear is being unable to support myself. mentally, financially and knowledgeable-y. something on my bucket list is to learn something new everyday. regardless of its impracticality. and i want to keep sane, too. i don't want to warble at my wall at night in a cold asylum. and who doesn't want to have a stable income?! that's pretty self-explanatory.

but i hope one day, i'll sit on a toilet and have the greatest epiphany in my life. greater than the one where i understood how 12 and 12 can make a bunny.

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