Monday, April 12, 2010

calculating without a calculator.

these f-in budget cuts do not do justice!

apparently, severing southhammpton saves $6 million in the budget. its something, but there's other ways where we can get the money AND keep such a moving school as that. perhaps increase incoming students?!

i was plotting out my schedule. and its so intricate that i needed to lay down. i didnt feel that confused since the day i discovered blue from blues clues was a female and tweety was a male...!

so there's no room for error. no more taking classes out of sheer interest and curiosity. from now on, btw thanks stonybrook (sarcastic!), i NEED to take classes that really matter and count towards my degree. and with absolutely no help from the loveliest academic advisors possible, im relying on the internet. which, fingers crossed!, they would be so kind as to update for the convenience of students like me.

in high school, i was thinking "hey! stony brook! you're a public school. you're cheap. and you're seriously overrated. and in grown-up world, must mean that you're gona teach me something!" and then i sent in my deposit.

i'd like to know what i was thinking back then.

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