Monday, July 19, 2010

what's up?

Hi people. Hey i am taking summer classes at Sb. What are u guys up to?

Monday, July 5, 2010

Hello, Hello, Hello.

To the earth.


It's us, human.

Here are some gifts for you.

Do they heal you?

I admit these are only fantasy but we start to realize what we have to do.

Always love you.


Sunday, July 4, 2010

What makes a successful relationship?

This is very different for many people. To me there are several things that constitute a successful relationship. First of all I think that love is crucial. You must love your partner unconditionally. Aside from that, you must support each other no matter what comes your way. Tolerance is highly needed for those days in which your partner is not your favorite person. Communication is key, without it you will not function. Keeping each other out of the loop is one of the biggest mistakes couples do. You also have to have realistic expectations of one another. Thinking that everything is always going to be right is very unrealistic. Care for one another in every possible way. The most meaningless moment during the day can turn into a precious moment if you just stop to say “do you have any idea how much you mean to me?”. Laugh and laugh a lot. Laugh at each other and at all the funny things in life even if they are silly. I guarantee one day you will be sitting together and saying “remember when this happened” and you’ll laugh once again. Commit to one another and remind each other of how your life would not be complete if you did not have him/her in your life. Above all, respect one another. Respect each others families, even if you don’t like them. Respect each others’ friends even if they get on your nerves sometimes.

I have had relationships go sour, but I can’t think of any one that I had in which I made sure I had all these things I just wrote about. In my next relationship I want to incorporate all these. I think they will make me successful not only in my relationship, but in making my future partner feel that they could not live without as I would not be able to live without them. I want to let my partner know that they complete me in every way. They should feel like your soul mate. Corny, huh?

If you could live your life over again, what would you do differently?

My honest answer to this is that I would have pursued my teaching career a lot sooner. Other than that I don’t think I would change anything. I have made mistakes in my life, but I feel that if I change my life I would have never had the opportunity to make it right for every time that I made a mistake. I don’t know I that makes any sense, but that’s how I feel. Everything happens for a reason. I can’t say I have had is easy, but if I had not made the decisions I have made in life I would not be where I am today.

We all think sometimes “what would have happened if” and we get curious about the possible
outcomes of the decisions we did not make, but like I said, things happen for a reason and God works in mysterious ways. What he has in store for each and every one of us is uncertain, what I do know is that every decision I have made in my life has made sense to me later on in life. It might not have given me the result I expected, but it all eventually fell into place. So I don’t think I would change anything if I had the chance to relive my life.

A little word of advice

Ok…so I’m no relationship expert, but I have come across a lot of common things occurring in relationships that women might want to avoid. First of all, I think women need to understand that men are very visual. No matter how long you have been in a relationship with your guy, whether it’s boyfriend, fiancée or husband status, never stop taking care of yourself. By this, I mean that I understand that we all put on weight, specially if you have a baby, but just because you put on weight it doesn’t mean you have to let yourself go. Yes you are a mother, but you are a sexy mother which is very different. Even when it comes to intimacy we all know men like to watch so, look desirable.

On another note, men hate when women complain. The worst thing for a man is to come home from a tired day of work and the first thing to hear is “you’re late” or “I asked you to do this yesterday and you didn’t”. Seriously…it was yesterday!!! Stop bitching and complaining. They hate that.

Another common thing that women do is feel threatened when he decides to have a day out with his guy friends. Most women immediately think that they will be talking about other women and wishing to get away from the one they have now. Ladies, this is not the case. I’m not vouching for all men, because let’s face it, there are a lot of scum bags out there, but sometimes they need time with their friends, just like we like our times out with our girlfriends. For example, if you know that your man isn’t into the twilight series of movies, why would you force him to go with you? I went to watch it and a guy told his girlfriend “I can’t believe you’re making me watch this”. Now normally I would say “just say no”, but he obviously was trying to please her. I felt so bad for him. She could have gathered some of her girlfriends and made it a girl’s night because it’s such a chic flick and he could have had a nice night out with his friends and gone bowling, golfing or watched some soccer games. The point is, give yourself some time to miss each other, because the next time you see each other you will probably be all over each other and enjoy your day even more.


If I was granted a trip to go anywhere in the world for a week, I would go to Australia. I have always wanted to see a kangaroo and I’m absolutely in love with the Sidney Opera House. It’s just a perfect design. The structure itself looks amazing and the fact that it works well acoustically is even more mesmerizing. I have a picture of it in my living room. It’s actually quite big. In my days of Architectural classes, I chose to make a model of it for a final project of mine. I think that all models look best I white, it’s just very hard to work with white without having to wash your hands every 2 minutes so that you do not stain your model.

I donated the model to my school after I guaranteed myself an A on it. I use to go see it a lot when I lived in Queens just to admire its beauty, because that’s the closest I could get to the real thing. However, one day I will go. I will be able to physically touch the structure that I once studied so hard to replicate. My model was beautiful, but there is nothing like the real thing. Being able to see the Sidney Opera House has been a dream of mine ever since I could remember. I don’t remember what made me love it so much, I just know that I do. So one day, I’ll make that dream of mine come true.

I can’t wait for my first summer off as a teacher

I’ve been trying to teach my son Spanish and it is very hard when his father is not cooperating. So I was thinking on my first summer off, if I can afford it, I will take my son to Ecuador. I spent my teenage years there and they have been the best years of my life. I want my son to learn the language socially and I will worry about him learning it academically. Since I’m going to be a Spanish teacher I will develop the skills to address his academic level in the Spanish language. I haven’t been on vacation in three years so, I definitely need it and my parents have house right in front of the beach. I wouldn’t pay for the stay. I would just have to cover meals and airfare. Everything is so cheap there. For example, for a shrimp and lobster tail dinner I would pay like $3.00 and the seafood is fresh vs. here, I would probably pay over $30.00 for it and it definitely is not fresh.
If I had the chance to live with the luxuries that I have here (i.e. running water, and running toilet guaranteed), I would definitely live in Ecuador. Life is just more relaxed. You get away from the everyday rush of getting up in the morning, going to work and getting home in time to get enough sleep to continue the same routine. It’s so boring at times. I hope I enjoy teaching as much as I want to enjoy it.

I can’t stand my brother’s neighbor

My brother’s neighbor is far from being a good citizen. Along with his wife they make up the reason why taxpayers get mad at the government. They have 2 kids, ages 7 and 3, with one on the way. She is a stay home wife. He lost his job almost a year and a half ago. He has been on unemployment for the same amount of time, but works off the books doing minor construction jobs, which he makes a good decent amount of money on. So while my brother and my sister in law bust their butts working hard and pay nearly 35,000 in taxes every year, here he is collecting their money and making his own money. I don’t get it. What is wrong with this picture?
I’m a single mother and according to what I make a year, I would qualify for many things from the government. Hey, I may even be able to get them to pay my rent. However, I’m a very hard working person and if I can make it a point to get up in the morning and work so that I can provide for myself and not live off of other people, I will do it. I work a full time job, go to school full time and I have my 7 year old son. I hold myself up on my own. Yes, it is very hard and at times I feel I have not life because I don’t have the money to spend. My brother’s neighbor changes his car every year, and is constantly doing renovations on his home; and he does it with other people’s money. My brother is the type of person to say “hey, why don’t you get yourself a job and stop leeching from other people” and his response was “hey if I can get away with getting money from the government and still make some money and live nice, why should I stop?” I could not believe it. He said this in a BBQ that they had when they all got along at first. These kind of people I have absolutely no respect for.

The hardest decision I have had to make so far

I did a lot of thinking yesterday, while I was working on the projects for this class. I thought about what has been the hardest decision for me to make so far. After some serious mind wondering I came to the conclusion that it was the day that I finally decided to end my relationship with my son’s father. Many would say “of course, leaving someone you love because you realize it’s not healthy is a very hard decision to make” however, when I left my son’s father I wasn’t in love with him anymore. My love for him had died, several years ago. I made the mistake that many women make and remained by his side for the sake of my son and the dream of having that family life that everyone hopes to have when they are in love.
The reason why it was the hardest decision for me was because I had run out of patience. I knew I did not love my sons father anymore and I wondered how my decision to leave him would affect my son as he got older. The first couple of month’s were really hard because my son would cry a lot. He would ask me to come to his daddy’s house and I would have to explain to him why I couldn’t. Things got a lot more difficult when his father began to bring a woman over to sleep over when my son was at his place too. My son was wondering why if mommy and daddy were friends and this new woman was daddy’s friend too, why mommy couldn’t sleep over as well. I demanded that my sons father speak to my son and tell him the truth about the woman he was seeing so that he could understand the difference between the woman he was dating and his mommy.
My son was 5 yrs old when his father and I ended our relationship. He was still too young to understand. He is now 7 years old and is more aware of the situation. Still, I think about what he will ask me when he decides he wants to know the real reason why things did not work out, because the “sometimes grown-ups don’t get along anymore” reason doesn’t cut it anymore. I hope he can understand my reasons.


I felt her face give me inspiration ,for example, vision, ambition,and aspiration.

Older Adut Life

In current society, the number of older people is increasing due to the development of medical techniques , so the welfare problem for older people is also getting attention. The problem I thought is lake of welfare systems for older people who need more care. They have trouble doing physical activities something like walking and climbing the stairs due to weakened muscles. For these reason, most people think that older people are share to taken care of, and older people might think they are worthless. I want to talk this social problem really important in aging society, exactly Korea.

I want to express the emotion of older people like sense of loss, joys and sorrows of their life with music, movement, and story in our performance. I want to impress and arouse audience's attention to the elderly life. In addition, as far as I concerned, the recognition for older people like stupid thought that older people cannot work must be changed. We have to find somethings which older people can do, not just support them. That is my expectation.

SeungHa JO

Think about travel grant

In my opinion, government need to spport travel grant because if our country wants to be top in tourist industry(business trade), many people have to enjoy traveling but travel cost is high in thesedays so government has to suppot travel grant. This is only my short think :)

Untitled - 2

image of fire

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Focus on myself

What can you see inside of yourself? If you concerned about some problems, just focus on your voice.

What you want is important.

Concentrating on yourself helps you to figure out what your problem is.