Friday, April 30, 2010

Honoring Soldiers

i'm still working on a quick piece to honor the fallen soldiers. i'm not sure how i'll do it, but i've compiled photots, names, ages, hometowns, reason of death, and the date they died. it's quite a depressing task.

i found a website that sorts all the soldiers into the months that they passed. there were probably more than i could count, but i chose to arbitrarily filter 11 from each month. but i still think its not doing enough to honor them.

i brough the pictures into photoshop, to add the soldiers' names in, and expanded the image size so that when it's projected, it won't be as puny.

i'm planning to compile it into video with all the pictures. plus, i'll add some audio too. just to add more information to each picture.

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