Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Commuting perks

1) Read in the train your "do nows"

2) Write your papers

3) Do the assignments

4) Socialize with fellow commuters

5) Read plays

6) charge your phone

7) drink beer on the way home

8) bathrooms

9) listen to your ipod

10) paint your nails

11) play with your lap top

12) sleep

13) watch the scenery

14) talk on your cell

15) think of new ideas for blogging

16) read star magazine

17) look and make fun of strange people in the train

18) enjoy arguments in the train

19) cig breaks at the changing stations

20) 2 hours of meditation

This is what i do everyday on my way to and from school. It gets really old really fast. Most of the time I just sit there and think. If I am with a friend, I am gossiping and drinking. Commuting turned me into a good student. Now I actually read my books and do homework. I dont cut class because for that I could have saved my time and money in just commuting. I like being a commuter most of my days.


  1. #17! the strangest people come by public transit. love it! :D

  2. LOL sorry I just got to reading this.
