Thursday, April 29, 2010


Great news for me. I was talking at work about possibly wanting to work for the Children’s Aid Society and a friend told me she has friends who work there, that I should give them my resume. I have to fix up my resume because it’s a mess. It should be done by this week and I’ll drop it off to her or e-mail it to her. Hopefully they pay me a good salary because I am sick of getting paid crap here at the NYSC. Oh, by the way, I just got a raise for 25 cents. Wahoo! I want to get paid at least $15 that is all I need. I am not settling for less than that, unless I really like the company. Now that graduation is in a couple of weeks or so, I am panicking because there are so many things I could see myself doing and I don’t know which one to pick. I wanted to be an actress, but my acting skills aren’t all there. I wanted to be a child psychologist, but the evil zebra lady told me that I shouldn’t waist my time. I was thinking about being an elementary bilingual school teacher, but they have a big freeze in the city. I know that I have a better chance because I am bilingual. So that stays on the back burner. I was thinking of becoming a theatre technician for an off –Broadway show but I don’t have enough experience working on professional shows. I was also thinking of becoming a police officer, this is my plan C if all else fails. I give myself a year to decide if I am going to grad school, and if so, which one. Decisions, decisions, decisions….

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