Sunday, April 11, 2010

Budget Cuts

So I just found out about the budget cuts and how Stony Brook University lost $55 million in funding from the state. I am pretty pissed about this and I am wondering how this will affect the remaining year I have left at Stony Brook. I also feel bad for the kids at Manhattan and Southampton campuses because they are being forced to leave at the end of the year. However, it does make me wonder how in the world Stony Brook University will handle this influx of students in the fall. I am also angry because I wanted to take a screenwriting course over the summer and it is not being offered due to the cuts. I really wanted to take it to improve the script I have written. I am trying to look at this from the bright side by considering how much money I will be saving over the summer. I could probably spend a quarter of that money on some program that will advance my script further than that class would have.

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