Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Max Practice

I was just messing around with Max over the weekend. A lot of the files I could not use properly on my computer since it is not a MAC. For some strange reason the files would come up on my screen, but I could not get them to read anything.

The first 2 pics were done in another class. I uploaded an eye candy piece that I made on Google SketchUp and had a classmate put it on their MAC to use with Max. The program that she used added a few different filters and made my eye candy video look even more impressive (I'm modest aren't I?).

I used generative chimes for the 3rd pic and it reminded me of a human heartbeat. I think it was the rhythm that initially reminded me of the heart, but unlike this program, the human heart does not go on forever; regardless of what we may try.

The 4th pic was on euclid and reminded me of a ticking clock. For me the clock was ticking at a slow rate of speed. Unfortunately, life does not play by these rules and I always feel as if life is just passing me by. Maybe if I wasn't so bogged down with school I would try to stop rushing things and actually enjoy my life with the time that I have been given.

The final pic was taken on draw snake facade. This pic reminded me of the intricate balance in nature and how so many events depend on one another for homeostasis to exist. I would hate to think what would happen to humans if any of these lines got crossed.

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