Sunday, March 21, 2010

the different hats we wear.

the mad hatter wore one hat. but he did make many for the queen to try on and wear. and, even though she only wore one (the crown), she did have a variety of options to choose from. i think our lives are very much this way. we're sisters, friends, daughters, best friends, students, mentors, babysitters, employees, cookers, granddaughters, etc. etc. etc. when my sister comes to visit i find i wear a much more subtle, cautious, reserved hat...very different from my everyday look. she acts the younger sister part. she needs to be the center of attention, the loud mouth, the know it all. i love her to death, and she's not always this way. but when she comes to visit my parents...that is the only way to describe her. it's like she reverts back to her seven year old self when she steps into the house. i find myself standing in the background not speaking much so as to avoid any sort of confrontation with her or my parents.

so! in this screen capture. i found the pulsating view to be metaphoric of my calm heart beat. while the colors of the atmosphere change drastically, depending on my sisters mood, i stand there unaffected by her words. this is me in the calm hat while she tries to put together her lunch.

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