Saturday, February 20, 2010


I think I have some idea of what I want to do in life. But I'm not really sold about it.

I hate the idea of targetting one or two major(s) to focus on. What happens to the other subjects we want to learn more about, but really don't have the time?

What if we hate the jobs we end up with, but don't have time to get another degree?

I can be indecisive and it works sometimes because I get to experience a bit more, rather than focusing on a singular decision. Eventually I will need to find some focus.

Compromise is a good thing. But there should be more time to attempt it all. Maybe there's a shortcut, but every result won't seem as authentic. If there was one focused subject, gaining more depth on it is possible. But if our focus was eclectic, we'd be more well-rounded.

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