Sunday, April 10, 2011

Who Stole My Book?

Shit. Somebody stole my book. It was my favorite book in the world. It was assigned to me for a class, and am I ever glad I took that class. I define my life by that book. You see, this isn't just any book. It's a fourth hand copy of The Meridian Anthology of Restoriation and 18th-Century Plays by Women. That's right, the only collection devoted entirely to female writers from that golden age of English drama. Because you can't really understand Restoration or 18th-century plays without reading those by women. Their plays are something that none of the other plays of those periods can ever aspire to be. Sure, those other plays that were written by men had the same insipid plots, caricatures in place of characters, and general boringness. But there's one thing that those plays are not - they're not plays by women. So if anybody knows who stole my Meridian Anthology, tell me so I can kick their ass in gender-non-specific way and get my favorite book back.

1 comment:

  1. Too late, bucko. I sold it on eBay for 3 million dollars! Woo Hoo! I'm off to Acapulco!
    - AdeG
