Sunday, April 10, 2011

Coming to a Bookshelf Near You!

Cornelius Flibbertiggibit, renowned author of Florentine Art Smugglers Who Got Implicated in a VAT Scam with What's-His-Name, is set to release his new expose on high culture's sordid underbelly, A New Expose on High Culture's Sordid Underbelly! If you liked Florentine Art Smugglers Who Got Implicated in a VAT Scam with What's-His-Name, then you'll love A New Expose on High Culture's Sordid Underbelly! It's a dynamic second installment in Flibbertiggibit's four-part trilogy Pooping With My Socks On that leaves the reader in bowel-watering anticipation for books! So come on down to your local Barnes & Noble on Monday, or maybe Tuesday, so you can be the first in line to read all about high culture's sordid underbelly! Annika de Groot will be there.

1 comment:

  1. Damn straight, I will! You can set up your book signing booth across from me and Terry Brooks and Neil Gaiman. Neil's cool - you'll like him. Terry will probably hide behind a big pile of his books like last time.
