Monday, April 25, 2011

Balancing the overwhelming

I have been a night owl for quite some time now. At least since my first year at college, but probably early on into high school as well.

It seems that I do not REALLY get into my work until the sun goes down. The morning and early afternoon hours are often very lazy, or easy going. The motivation to really 'get cracking' is not there. I often wish that I was a morning person...

But no, I am a child of the night. Maybe it is because the night time eliminates many distractions (i.e. other awake people). Whatever triggered the pattern, I seem to be stuck with it. It is now 12:33 am, and this seems still "early" for me. 4am starts to become a warning sign, but there are many a day when I see the sun rise.

I came across this news video:

It speaks about a genetic mutation that allows some people to require less sleep than others. These people are arguably more 'successful', if only that they have more 'useful' time in their days.

Some nights I average about 4-5 hours. Which is ridiculously low. I can only pray that I am one of the genetically fortunate.


Why do I get such little sleep?
I've boiled it down to a few possibilities:

- Too many "responsibilities" or things that I have taken upon myself to do. Including work/commissions. Perhaps I stretch myself too thin...

- Poor time management. Can be a possibility... maybe if my daytime hours were spent more effectively. But our egos never want to admit to this possibility

- Bad habit. I've been doing it for years... and i'm still going. I'm sure I will feel sharp negative effects at some point.

The other side of the coin is....

The "NORMAL" sleep time frame is based on an agricultural society. People on farms would wake up when the sun did so that they could get as much done during the day, with the light out. But now that we are a different, very diverse and specialized society, who is to say what the "right" time of day to sleep is?

Vitamin D deficiency?

They have pills and special lamps for that :)

Good night everyone. Your midnight is my noon,

-Jose Ojeda

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