Wednesday, March 2, 2011

NO Manners!!

I come from a small town and although some people are arrogant, they somewhat have manners but not here at STONY BROOK!!!!! A small few of students have manners but the majority of students that attend here have no manners at all and it’s really starting to piss me off. I don’t know what is so hard about saying please and thank you when someone holds the door open for you. I feel like if I can take the time out to hold the door open for you, you can take the time out to open your mouth and say thank you. I also hate when people just let the door slam in your face and your right behind that person….so rude. What is wrong with these people? Were these people brought up without knowing “basic manners”? Did they forget how to use them since they left home to go away to college? I don’t know what it is but it needs to change.
Last semester there was an incident with a random stranger and me. It was around breakfast time and my friend and I decided to stop at the Stony Brook Union Deli to get breakfast. For those people who grab food from the Deli knows that it’s crowed and it’s a small space so people are bumping into each other and what not. I was waiting on line to toast a bagel and this girl bum rushes through me and the person in front of me. So I say “excuse you, you can’t open your mouth to say excuse me what the hell is wrong with you. Your parents didn’t teach you any manners?” She just gives me this stupid look like I was talking a different language and she clearly understood what I was saying to her. So I’m like ok whatever I’m not going to let her ruin my morning. Then she has the nerve to try to do it again and this time she has the audacity to tell me to move. Now this girl right her lost her mind. So I tell her “no” and then simply said “all you have to do is say excuse me and I will move out the way and if you won’t say it then walk behind me!!” So she ended up finding another way to pass. I thought it was rude of her to act in such a manner and that she thinks she can walk just go around barging her way through a crowd of people. She should consider herself lucky!

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