Thursday, March 10, 2011

My mom almost lost her job

In this economic turmoil, the job market is not what it used to be. Even though employment rates have been on the rise from the past few years they are still at historical lows. With the brightest and the youngest having difficulty getting jobs, a college education does not have the same weight that it used to when our parents were growing up. The inexperience and experienced apply for the same jobs not knowing who is going to win out. Government jobs are the ones hit the hardest. Federal and state governments are taking all the precautions necessary to reduce budget gaps cutting state unions such as the police and teachers. My mother, a teacher, like all teachers these day has to worry about her job and if she will have it the following year. A well-educated teacher with a lot of experience can just as easily loose their job as a first year teacher.
My mom has supported my family for the past 6 years. My parents divorced and my dad "accidently" lost his job. My mom has worked very hard to receive her masters ++. Since we moved from Florida 10 years ago my mother had to receive her masters and get back on her feet in preparation for a divorce. Talk about planning ahead. She did not leave my dad until she finally got at least a permanent substituting job here in New York. After a long struggle she got a permanent position as a middle school reading teacher an hour away from our home. She has received her tenor just recently.
The other day my mom came home from work really excited hugging me saying " I didnt loose my job!". I was completly unaware as to what was going on. She kept it from us until the final judgement came. She was bumped down into kindergarden and was going to working by herself. She used to work with 4 other ladies whom she become very close to. A lot will change for her but she is just grateful she did not loose her job. If a teacher in her department did not accept retirement my mom being the last one hired would have been booted. Luckily the teacher dutifully accepted her retirement.
I am sure that many other teachers, and many other workers, have not been so lucky and my heart goes out to them.

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