Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bad Behavior

I love children and I hope to have children one day but some of these children are out of control. I am not writing this blog to lecture on parenting because what do I know about it I don’t have any children. But I do know that parents need to put their foot down and teach their kids how to behave in public. The behavior that I have seen is ridiculous. The way these children act today I would not dare to do with my parents. Some people may say “well you did not act out because you were afraid of you parents”, which is not true at all. I did not act out because I was taught not to. I was taught how to behave when we are not only outside of the home but also inside of the home. I was not a spoiled child either. My parents did not give me everything and anything that I wanted because in the real world people are not going to just give you stuff when you wanted it you have to work HARD for what you want in life. Nothing comes free and I’m afraid that this is how these children are being raised to believe. I cannot blame the child for misbehaving but I do blame the parent(s). If you let your child get away with misbehaving all the time when will they learn how to behave?
When I use to work at Target, I saw a lot of children misbehaving because they couldn’t get the toy or whatever it was that they desired. They were also very disrespectful to their parents and I’m not talking about teenagers (which is still not acceptable) but from children ages 5 and up. The tantrums, crying , and screaming was unbearable, therefore the parent would give in and buy whatever it was that the child wanted. But what is this teaching the child? That “oh today we are going to target and I know mommy and daddy are not going to buy this toy for me if I ask nicely so let me just act out and make a scene.” That’s what it seems to me, which is nonsense. Where is the discipline? I would never forget that this 10 year old girl called her mother dumb to her face in front of me and other customers because she didn’t want to buy her what she wanted. I was shocked, speechless. I couldn’t believe this little girl disrespected her mother like that. The sad story is that her mother still bought her what she wanted. That spoiled brat she would be on punishment for the rest of her life! LOL  !! Don’t get me wrong its cool to keep your kid happy, spoiling them every now and then, maybe over do it on Christmas and birthday gifts, since you want to give them everything you never had but don’t forget to lavish them with morals, respect, dignity, and manners!!!

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