Thursday, May 13, 2010


My boyfriend found a copy of vogue magazine in my tornado hit apartment (due to moving engagements...tee hee) and fliped through it out of curiosity. He kept asking me why the models were so skinny, he couldn't believe how thin they were, he said, is this what women should aspire to look like? He said, "what man would want bones, no flesh", he couldn't get over how skinny they were. He also said some of the ads were weird, then he proceeded to point out to me, are they all white.....well mostly. I said yep! As women we are still faced with these images of what "beauty" is like. My bf also said, why do women buy this stuff, esp those who do not look like those in the magazines. Clearly they are not trying to market to you....or are they? Humph!

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