Thursday, May 13, 2010

Food Coma?

Food coma. I have experienced a food coma before but I didn’t know it actually had a name. I ate so much Christmas dinner one time, that almost immediately I fell asleep. Nothing would wake me up. My little sister and cousins painted my nails, put shaving cream all over me, and stuck stuff in my hair and I would not wake up. Finally hours passed by and I dreamed I was being chased by an evil Santa. I guess a food coma makes sense now. Because your body needs energy to digest a heavy meal, it eats up your energy. So the moral of your story is eat less and eat more times throughout the day to avoid a food baby, and a food coma. Eat fish, chicken and nuts to feel fuller for a longer time. Be careful with fat-free snacks, sometimes they are more harmful than good because they add tons of salt and sugar to make up for some lost taste. Remember to eat a fruit for breakfast, lunch and a snack. Eat protein with every meal you take. By the end of the day you should have eaten 3 meals and 2 snacks. I guess my problem was that I only ate breakfast and dinner that Christmas day .

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