Thursday, May 13, 2010

sleepy time

I remember I used to hate taking those long naps in elementary school...I would watch the other children take their long naps and it was horrifying to me. I hated going to sleep in public. It was embarrassing to me. It wasn't like if I was tired or anything I just couldn't sleep. I used to lay there and count. Count until my friends woke up. It took them so long to wake up too. I remember one time my best girl friend Marializa woke up five minutes after she fell asleep. We spent the whole nap time giggling and getting scolded at for not going to sleep. The teachers blamed it on me because I was the child who did not nap. Now I long for those naps. I feel that I took them for granted. I think I only slept like once and it was a pretty big deal because when I woke up my teachers cheered at me. I was so embarrassed, I never took another nap again.

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