Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Back in Hanover

Relationships make you do funny things.

I say funny, because they're not bad things. Not always the best things, but just funny :)

I find myself back in Hanover, NH for the day. The girlfriend and I were really stressed about our respective work loads and schedules - to the point where we didnt think that we could finish it all.

I have 2 shows, several stole orders, and final critiques by the end of the week. She has a similar seemingly impossible burden.

Yesterday (Monday) was my brother's graduation from NYU - he got his masters in Sports Business. I had already not slept from the night before (making work), and then I drove to the city. After the ceremony and lunch afterwards, I drove the 5 hours north to New Hampshire. At the end of it all, I would have been up for 34 hours. And as much of a struggle it was, and as much as it seemed like a crazy idea, I don't regret it at all

and not just because of the cheesy lovey dovey reasons of being with your significant other

But it's nice being in a different place - I feel like moving around keeps you on your toes, and you are able to be more productive. I have already accomplished so much, whereas if I had stayed in my studio I would have sulked about and done just about the same, if not less. Plus, it's beautiful here. Sort of rainy, but the trees are blossoming a brilliant light pink. I'd never leave here if I could help it

But i'll be coming back down tomorrow morning,

Spontaneous trips are the best.
Change in scenery is healthy.


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