Sunday, July 4, 2010

A little word of advice

Ok…so I’m no relationship expert, but I have come across a lot of common things occurring in relationships that women might want to avoid. First of all, I think women need to understand that men are very visual. No matter how long you have been in a relationship with your guy, whether it’s boyfriend, fiancée or husband status, never stop taking care of yourself. By this, I mean that I understand that we all put on weight, specially if you have a baby, but just because you put on weight it doesn’t mean you have to let yourself go. Yes you are a mother, but you are a sexy mother which is very different. Even when it comes to intimacy we all know men like to watch so, look desirable.

On another note, men hate when women complain. The worst thing for a man is to come home from a tired day of work and the first thing to hear is “you’re late” or “I asked you to do this yesterday and you didn’t”. Seriously…it was yesterday!!! Stop bitching and complaining. They hate that.

Another common thing that women do is feel threatened when he decides to have a day out with his guy friends. Most women immediately think that they will be talking about other women and wishing to get away from the one they have now. Ladies, this is not the case. I’m not vouching for all men, because let’s face it, there are a lot of scum bags out there, but sometimes they need time with their friends, just like we like our times out with our girlfriends. For example, if you know that your man isn’t into the twilight series of movies, why would you force him to go with you? I went to watch it and a guy told his girlfriend “I can’t believe you’re making me watch this”. Now normally I would say “just say no”, but he obviously was trying to please her. I felt so bad for him. She could have gathered some of her girlfriends and made it a girl’s night because it’s such a chic flick and he could have had a nice night out with his friends and gone bowling, golfing or watched some soccer games. The point is, give yourself some time to miss each other, because the next time you see each other you will probably be all over each other and enjoy your day even more.

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