Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The vastness of the COS site

When navigating the cos site, my first instincts were to use key words that either described me or my practice; so words like artist, installation artist, sculpture/sculptor. Then, some words that described my identity, like 'latino' or certain countries, or even cities. Interestingly enough, my fraternity has a scholarship listed that I should jump on. Why NOT give to one of your own? At least I hope that would be the mentality.

I found several postings relating to "competitions", where an award was given on your selection. Those are certainly good opportunities, but I think the focus (for the class at least) should be to get funding for future projects. Then I searched for travel grants, but a lot seemed to be for library research or art history. But the money is in how you word it, right? So leave no stone unturned

Some of the postings say: Requirements Ph.D./M.D./Other Professional
The vagueness of "other professional" is always helpful

I have my solo show coming up in about 9 days, for which I am carving many panels of Styrofoam into what will (hopefully be a good and successful) mural installation. A thought that came to mind was "what am I going to do with it after my show is over? Just let it collect dust back in my studio?". It's certainly not the most "salable" piece, but it would be great to have it be re-exhibited, perhaps in conjunction with another event or performance.

Oh, and you're all invited by the way... :)
My reception is next Thursday, March 3rd from 7-9pm. It will be at the Alloway Gallery (First floor of the library). It should be a party, bring a friend. If it goes well, all the more motivation to find a grant to show it again


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