Thursday, February 4, 2010

Supremacy Semantics

“The only thing that sustains one through life is the consciousness of the immense inferiority of everybody else, and this is a feeling I have always cultivated” (Oscar Wilde)

Sustenance; often so transitory, ethereal in manifestation – and yet its ephemeral aspects of endurance seem but crucial to……to what? Oftentimes sustenance is drawn from purely the intent of survival; when only the physicality of earthly pursuit seems but to transcend the greater, more daunting existence of the metaphysical purpose. To survive. And yet, oftentimes, amidst the cultivation of survival is lost the seed of its intent – obscured by weed-like imposters, ravenous ill doers and the fences of emotion. In doing so, the efficacy of survival, where from is derived sustenance, is readily assigned in desperation – the most glorious weed; for who is not defined in the course of their purpose?

Wilde seems to allude to nothing but a state of perpetual denial; there is not one among us who can claim ultimate supremacy over all – I assume he speaks of supremacy in the sense of intellect and emotional solidity. In such a regard, I would believe a provocation of inferiority would only entail such an endeavoring of supremacist status: Why strive for social preeminence when one is content? Restlessness? No, I believe not. Notice that Wilde refers not to the yield of supremacy but to its cultivation – the flowers have not yet blossomed and winter may stifle the efforts of tilling earth.

Yes, I see this quote as one truly evoking the rigors, and hell, of surviving – physically and emotionally. If the speaker of this quote reminds himself always of the “immense inferiority of everybody else,” then would he not be alone – tormented by the labors of cultivation; alone to weather heat and storm, enamored only by the midnight breeze? If denial be ones medium of sustenance, then is not survival, precipitated by its mere employment, contrived – has one truly advanced?

Thriving on the mere “reality” of being supreme is not to live at all – if one were to apply the blatant legitimacy of this quote.

There are moments when one must set aside all attempts to survive and succumb to the reality of being alone – an all exclusive club is that of these “supremacist’s”, pursuing the solitudes of denial.

But who then is alone? Who supreme? Myself, alone at the present moment writing this banter, supreme over my 600 square feet of space, feel rather content in my state of assumed philosophical supremacy.

And then, suddenly, as the electricity goes out and my computer crashes, I remember: denial is short-lived.

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