Monday, February 8, 2010

Going Green

Going Green is the new hip thing to do. It's all the crave in urban America and while I am all for a cleaner environment, I just can't help but wonder if it's more about the $$$Green$$$$ and less about the environment. I try to conserve energy, I try to use less plastic products. I try to be green. Here is a video I spotted off of another blog, tell me what you think. I really would like for us to take better care of our world. It seems as if we are so much further away from nature than we have ever been. I remember, while growing up in Guyana, how important the land was to us since we planted a lot of our crops and depended on the land for survival and even recreation. We drew hop scotch boxes in the sand with old tree branches and climbed trees for fun (although I wasn't fond of this sport...afraid of heights). It seems that going green gives me a bit of nostalgia. We don't use paper plates in Guyana and the dishwasher consisted of two hands, soap and a sponge. We rarely use paper towels (I have gotten used to using this as a college student) for drying up spills etc, instead we have a rag/cloth that is used to wipe counters, spills etc. I am just examining small changes in my life over the past 6 years that have come about due to my location. Humph, one would never guess that the use of paper plates and paper towels would be a kind of non-green politics of location. Lol! I think I will sign off on this note because I may just be sounding like a rambling nostalgic fool concerned about the green!

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